Statement 9 of Morreale et al ( p 82&85) reads “ understanding one another and sharing meaning is the sole foundation for good communication.” Certainly the inability to communicate clearly with one another was not a problem for the intergalactic hitchhiker. It can however be a problem intergenerationally as tweens and 20 somethings reassign meaning to symbols in their social networking. (I have an 18yr old cousin who communicated in rapped code with his fiends especially so that others did not understand them. It was a survival mechanism for the city area in which they lived).It is possible to understand the gist of a foreign language through context and body language ( for example the Latin mass?).
Moreale maintains the art of diplomacy encourages ambiguity. He regards it as a good thing stating that good communication encourages conflict. This may be so in intergovernmental communiqué or in the corporate boardroom but I dispute that this could be the basis for the faith body of the church or indeed the basis for a good marriage. Here good communication is essential.
( 181 words)
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